Icons and Graphics with a side of Fries
Welcome to my private graphics playground. Here you can find all the crazy little spud critters, icons, buttons, and assorted graphics that I've created. Please read the terms of use before downloading
any of my graphics. - Tater
 | Animated Spudniks - Vol II 10 animated Spudniks. This new small set is a mix of new and unreleased animated Spudniks.
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 | Chippys - Vol I 14 basic Chippys. This new set contains both static and animated Chippys.
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 | Character Spudniks - Vol II 20 character Spudniks. This set contains new and unreleased Spudniks.
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 | Animated Spudniks - Vol I 19 of the original animated Spudniks archived from the old Cyberspud site.
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 | Character Spudniks - Vol I 18 of the original character Spudniks archived from the old Cyberspud site.
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 | Standard Spudniks - Vol I 13 of the original Spudniks archived from the old Cyberspud site.
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